Monday, February 23, 2009

Web of Science

Nice surprise while using ISI Web of Knowledge. On Todd's University of British Columbia web site there is a list of publications containing articles that he worked on with colleagues. I took the first article: Ontogeny of Entergetics in Leatherback and Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Hatchlings and did an initial search by Title. I received no results using the title verbatim. So, I started slowly with just Ontogeny and received 3126 results. I then added Leatherback to the search and got back 4 results. One was the article shown above (Times cited: 2). But the surprise was that 2 other articles were new discoveries (ones not shown on either his web page or his media page).

Title: Ontogeny of diving and feeding behavior in juvenile seaturtles: Leatherback Seaturtles (Dermochelys coriacea L) and Green Seaturtles (Chelonia mydas L) in the Florida current Author(s): Salmon, M; Jones, TT; Horch, KWSource: JOURNAL OF HERPETOLOGY Volume: 38 Issue: 1 Pages: 36-43 Published: MAR 2004 Times Cited: 7 As you can see, this article has been cited 7 times. It is also included on his web site.

The two new discoveries follow:

Title: A comparison of the ontogeny of oxygen consumption in leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea, and olive ridley, Lepidochelys olivacea, sea turtle hatchlings - different strokes for different life styles. Author(s): Jones, T. Todd; Reina, Richard; Lutz, Peter L.Source: NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC Volume: 503 Pages: 191-192 Published: August 2003

Ontogeny of diving and feeding behavior in leatherback hatchlings. Author(s): Jones, T. Todd; Salmon, Mike; Johnson, Chris, et al.Source: NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC Volume: 477 Pages: 177-179 Published: 2002

Nothing earth shattering, but it was nice to discover some new material by just hunting around.


  1. Great way to come across more articles. Wonder why they weren't listed on his page.

  2. They weren't abstracts, corrections, or reviews written by someone else were they? I've come across stuff like that where they were just talking about a scholarly article and it wasn't the actual article itself. But, then again, looking over the citations it's interesting that they were included in memorandums....Ok looked it up, I guess it's almost like making an e-print because it is just giving people in the field an idea of what kind of research you are conducting but isn't peer-reviewed or controlled for quality. So I could see why he wouldn't bother including them since they aren't official scholarly communications.

  3. That's amazing that ISI was able to bring up more articles than the man's website. Good to see that ISI is on top of things- gives me more confidence in it. I also found additional articles in a different way than using the scientist's personal / academic site, but my additional articles were simply pieces in popular magazines. However, I was able to better understand her work through those popular articles than the academic papers. So even if the additional articles you found were as mentioned above, abstracts, corrections, or reviews, they could probably still be useful.
